Women Executive Breakfast

Calling for all Women Leaders!
With Gartner and LeadWomen, Gorgeous Geeks is organizing an Executive Breakfast for all women leaders on the 14th of June 2013 (Friday) at 9am-12noon in Zest Cafe, Bangsar South.
Ever wonder how to motivate your team to be productive and bring more business value to your organization? We are sharing how gamification techniques can come in handy.
Gamification has been used for the purposes of marketing and customer retention to improve user engagement, ROI, data quality, timeliness and learning.
In this session, Mary Mesaglio, Research VP with Gartner’s CIO research team from Barcelona, Spain will tell you proposals to use gamification techniques as a strategy to accomplish desired tasks by leveraging people’s natural desires for achievement, status, self-expression, competition and closure.
Next, Anne Abraham will facilitate an open sharing on the challenges and barriers for women leaders in their climb to the top.