Malaysian Women Marathon 2017

Malaysian Women Marathon 2017
Invitation to all Gorgeous Geeks.
The Malaysian Women Marathon is here once again – 5th March 2017!
While everyone has been busy with work, coding classes, online sales or simply being a woman… you must take care of your health as well! What better way to do that than to sign up for a run with other like-minded women or with your family. There is a category for everyone, from the athletic ones who want to go for a marathon to those who just want to take their first steps with a 6km Fun Run. There is even a category for children!
There are exciting pre-event programs and various event-day programs and goodies for all categories. We’d like to highlight one particular workshop that we think will be exciting for you – the Empowering Women Workshop on 3rd March 2017! It’s a packed half-day workshop with an exciting lineup of speakers including our Gorgeous Geek committee members:
Eliza Noordin
Eliza is a woman-in-tech and a woman-in-fitness. Her area of specialization is internet-based businesses and over the years she has built, fund and grow businesses into profitability, build products, market and serve t housands of customers across the globe using the power of internet. She is the founder of Nashata Lifestyle Sdn. Bhd. (, a lifestyle business that empowers modest women to have active lifestyles through its products and services. Nashata was founded in 2013 in Malaysia where it designs, produces and sells modest sportswear at and partners worldwide. It has been self-funding, profitable and growing organically since its inception. Prior to that, she served as the Vice President and director at Teak Capital Sdn. Bhd. ( Capital is a venture capital firm focusing on ICT and technology type of investment. The companies under her investment portfolio were Youth Asia that operated Groupon Malaysia and Youthsays, an online book platform called e-sentral and Jomsocial (on personal capacity). She has many years of experience in software engineering, technology evangelism, business and product development and Intellectual Property at Microsoft, Intel, Multimedia University and Telekom Malaysia. She holds a degree in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from the University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Azrina Naimuddin
Azrina Naimuddin is the founder of, an online portal positionedas a 1-stop shop for a huge selection of brands from around the world that are Safe from Harmful Ingredients and Muslim-friendly (Halal, or vegetarian). Despite being less than a year in the market, has been recognized as one of the top 5 businesses for the Alliance Bank VISA Retail Innovation Award category, beating many bigger brands. Azrina holds an Honours Degree in Biomedical Technology and was a Brand Marketer in her